September 27, 2011

Liquid calories: How pop, alcohol and fruit juices are making us fat -

Way Too Much of a Good Thing

Liquid certainly is the stuff of life, but today our cups runneth over with beverage choices -- energy drinks and anti-energy ones, vitamin-enhanced waters, vegetable and fruit blends in alluring exotic flavours. Never mind pomegranate and pineapple, now there's acai, goji, and lychee. And that's not to mention our pervasive coffee culture of cappuccinos, Frappuccinos, double-doubles, and triple-triples.

The above is a paragraph out of an excellent article on liquid calories. It's a must read. Great testimonial included. Go to:

Liquid calories: How pop, alcohol and fruit juices are making us fat -

September 19, 2011

Can eating well while pregnant make your baby smarter?

Mothers who wish to boost their babies' IQ often speak or sing to them while in utero or put them in front of Baby Einstein videos. But what if you could optimize IQ simply by serving them a healthful diet?

A recent study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health suggests just that. Using questionnaires given to mothers, British researchers investigated the eating habits of nearly 4,000 children at the ages of 3, 4, 7 and 8½. The scientists corrected for the mothers' education level, social class, consumption of fatty fish during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Full Article at:

September 14, 2011

Helpful tips to eating healthy without spending a fortune - Chicago Sun-Times

Helpful tips to eating healthy without spending a fortune - Chicago Sun-Times

Just because you are on a limited food budget doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice nutrition and your health.

It’s a matter of changing your eating, preparation and spending habits.

“The key is shopping smart,” declares registered dietitian Kelly Kleckner who advises patients — many of whom are on food stamps and fighting obesity — at Mount Sinai Hospital.